Donald Trump Stunned By The ‘Shocking’ Fatality Rates In The UFC In More Than 20 Years Of Its Establishment

Donald Trump Shocked At The Fatality Rate In The UFC

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s relationship with the UFC goes way back to 2001. Back then, the organization was struggling to gain legitimacy. Dana White and the Fertitta brothers were working tirelessly to change that. The former POTUS, seeing potential, threw his support behind them. He hosted UFC 30 at his Trump Taj Mahal, giving the fledgling promotion a much-needed boost.

Fast forward to today, and the UFC is a global powerhouse. It’s come a long way from its “human cockfighting” days. Trump, ever the loyal supporter, has remained connected to the organization. But something’s been nagging at Trump. He can’t quite wrap his head around one fact. In all these years, with all these brutal fights, nobody has died in the UFC.

“Nobody died in the UFC, which is shocking because when you look at some of it, right? When you look at it, you’d say they’d have to, like one a night should, you know, probably, will no longer be with us, right?” said Trump via Bussin’ with the Boys podcast.

Donald Trump seemed genuinely baffled by this statistic. Given the intense nature of the fights, he expected casualties. It’s a morbid thought for sure, but it is something every fan has wondered about. In a sport in which the participant’s aim is to almost kill the other person, it is a miracle that no one has died.

The presidential candidate’s comments highlight an important point, though. The UFC has made significant strides in fighter safety. From its no-holds-barred beginnings to today’s regulated bouts, the change is dramatic, and the statistics show that very clearly.

Donald Trump Believes There Is ‘Nobody’ That Can Compare To UFC CEO Dana White

Trump and Dana White go way back, like the early 2000s. Their bromance blossomed when Trump hosted UFC events at his Atlantic City casino. Since then, they have been buddies and support each other on any occasion they get.

In the same podcast appearance on Bussin With The Boys, Donald Trump couldn’t stop gushing about Dana White. He called the UFC boss “irreplaceable” and a “fantastic person.” This is high praise from a guy not known for handing out compliments like candy.

“There’s nobody like him,’ he said about White. You always say that everybody’s replaceable, [but] I don’t think anybody can do what he does. He’s built billions of dollars of value. There’s nobody like this guy.”

Donald Trump reckons White’s secret sauce is his unwavering enthusiasm. Even after decades in the fight game, White still gets pumped for every match. The former president also highlighted White’s loyalty. In the cutthroat world of politics and sports, finding a ride-or-die friend is a rare thing, and apparently, Trump has found one!