The latest episode of the reality show “90 Day Fiancé” offers another whirlwind of drama, miscommunication, and cultural clashes. The tensions between cast members have been brewing, and this episode brings many of them to a boiling point. From unresolved conflicts between partners to deeply personal decisions about marriage and intimacy, the episode showcases the challenges that arise when relationships are put to the test.

The Discord Between Renee and Chitty

The episode kicks off with Renee expressing frustration about her ongoing conflict with Chitty’s sister, Victoria. This discord stems from an incident where Victoria questioned the depth of Renee and Chitty’s connection, hinting at whether it was physical or purely spiritual. Renee, who believes her relationship with Chitty is divinely ordained, is offended by Victoria’s implications. The tension reaches a crescendo when Renee confronts Chitty, insisting that he join her at a hotel to distance themselves from Victoria’s interference.

Chitty, however, seems hesitant. He explains that he needs time to prepare and make arrangements, but Renee’s patience has run thin. She takes Chitty’s reluctance as an unwillingness to prioritize their relationship, leading to an explosive confrontation. Renee is direct, questioning Chitty’s ability to make decisions independently and accusing him of relying too much on his sister’s opinions. The two are caught in a heated argument, with Renee expressing doubts about whether Chitty can be the strong, independent partner she desires. Chitty’s blindness adds another layer to the conflict, as he relies on his sister’s support, making it difficult for him to sever ties entirely.

Nows and Matilda’s Awkward First Night

Elsewhere in the episode, Nows and Matilda navigate their own set of challenges. Despite Matilda’s eagerness, Nows decides to hold off on intimacy, citing his past relationship as a cautionary tale. He believes that jumping into a physical relationship too quickly may overshadow the emotional bond he wants to build with Matilda. Nows reveals that his previous relationship was dominated by physicality, which led to possessiveness and strain. Determined to avoid repeating the same mistakes, he decides to wait until marriage before engaging in sex.

Matilda is initially receptive to Nows’ decision, but her excitement about their upcoming wedding complicates matters. Nows has not yet told her that he wants to delay the wedding, fearing her reaction. As Matilda plans a large ceremony, Nows finds himself in a precarious situation. The longer he delays telling her, the more difficult it will be to manage her expectations. He even goes so far as to buy an engagement ring, which seems to signal his commitment, but he privately grapples with the fear of hurting Matilda when the truth comes out.

Cultural Clashes and Financial Concerns

Nows’ concerns extend beyond the wedding delay. When Matilda asks him to buy her a skirt for a traditional ceremony, he balks at the $80 price tag, revealing his financial constraints. Nows is aware that Matilda may have misconceptions about his financial situation, but he hesitates to correct her. He navigates the cultural expectations delicately, as he does not want to disappoint Matilda or her family, but his reluctance to be forthright about his financial situation hints at a potential source of future conflict.

The Importance of Open Communication

Both Renee and Chitty, as well as Nows and Matilda, highlight the importance of open and honest communication in a relationship. Renee’s frustration stems from feeling sidelined by Chitty’s attachment to his family, while Nows risks alienating Matilda by withholding his true feelings about the timing of their wedding. These couples demonstrate that withholding information—even with the best intentions—can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and a breakdown in trust.

Renee’s insistence that Chitty stand up to his sister and put their relationship first reflects her desire for independence and autonomy in their relationship. Similarly, Nows’ reluctance to fully disclose his financial status or his hesitations about the wedding reveals a lack of transparency that could undermine Matilda’s trust in him. Both couples illustrate that relationships require vulnerability, and being honest, even when it is uncomfortable, is crucial for building a foundation of trust.


This episode of “90 Day Fiancé” underscores the complexities of cross-cultural relationships and the challenges of blending different backgrounds, expectations, and personal histories. Renee and Chitty’s relationship is strained by family dynamics and differing views on independence, while Nows and Matilda struggle with timing and expectations. As these couples continue to navigate their journeys, it remains to be seen whether they can overcome these obstacles. One thing is clear: the road to love is rarely smooth, and the willingness to confront difficult truths is essential for any relationship to survive the tumultuous journey.