Lady Gaga (right) in the movie A Star is born.

Lady Gaga’s career path has never been a bed of roses, but the pain and hardship have turned into strength to help the “strange woman” rise stronger. From an eccentric personality that everyone turned their backs on, the “Lady Gaga Empire” is now firmly established worldwide, she has become the one who established new values ​​for the art of music.

The most rebellious times of the “monster lord”

Besides her unique musical personality, Lady Gaga is also especially remembered for her strange style, so different that people have to call her the queen of strangeness. Lady Gaga always makes music lovers around the world go from one surprise to another with shocking and horrifying “tricks” that perhaps no one thought could happen and there seems to be no limit to her tricks.

For example, at a performance at the SXSW film, music and interactive arts festival in Austin, Texas in early 2014, Lady Gaga invited a “vomit artist” named Millie Brown (a famous artist who vomits paint on paintings) to perform with her while she sang the song Swine. Millie started drinking a blue liquid, continued drinking, and then, put her hand down her throat and vomited on Gaga many times. This performance made Gaga extremely excited and always excitedly arched her body so that Millie could vomit on her.

A rebellious performance by “monster queen” Lady Gaga when wearing a dress made from raw beef.

Lady Gaga also became the “Queen of Horror” on the 2009 VMA Awards stage when she had a controversial bleeding performance. The horror-like bleeding during her performance of the song “Paparazzi” made many audiences “shudder”. Just 1 year after the shocking bleeding on stage, at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles, Lady Gaga startled everyone with her bizarre outfit. She wore a whole outfit made of raw beef when she went on stage to receive the Video of the Year award for the song “Bad Romance”. This is probably one of the most horrifying ideas.

The famous singer also caused a stir with her role in the romantic film “A Star is Born” (Vietnamese title: Vi sao mot sang) released in 2018. “A Star is Born” is the first project that actor Bradley Cooper took on as a director. He also played the main role – country singer Jackson Maine alongside unknown singer Ally (played by Lady Gaga).

This is the third time the classic film “A Star is Born” has been remade, so Lady Gaga is inevitably compared to the huge shadows of two legendary actresses Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand in the two previous film versions. However, being paired with the handsome actor Bradley Cooper has made this music superstar more confident. Gaga’s efforts have been rewarded when the film received a lot of praise upon its release, especially for her acting.

Music monument praised by the whole world

Born and raised in New York City (USA), from a young age, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta – Lady Gaga’s real name – was shunned, teased and boycotted by her friends because of her “weirdness”. As a child, Lady Gaga was especially interested in music.

Her biggest idol and endless source of inspiration is David Bowie. Few people know that the girl who attracted the attention of the whole world because of her strange ideas studied classical music – music that contains the classical thoughts of an ancient world. At the age of 4, Lady Gaga first came into contact with the notes on the piano keys. At the age of 13, Lady Gaga wrote her first piano concerto in her life.

Lady Gaga’s photo shows that she was special since she was a child.

At the age of 17, Lady Gaga became one of the few talented students who were granted early admission to Tisch School of the Arts – a prestigious art university in New York. Here, she was systematically trained in singing and composing skills. But in her second year, Lady Gaga decided to drop out of school to pursue her musical dream with her own style. However, what Lady Gaga loves passionately is the rebellious, hard-to-please music, a “hard-to-swallow dish” for most American listeners.

To nurture her dream, the 19-year-old girl accepted to sing at nightclubs for a low salary. And it was also during this time that Lady Gaga experienced a haunting tragedy, the pain of being abused. Until today, Lady Gaga still silently fights post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after that pain.

But fortunately, this obsession could not defeat the brave “monster” inside Lady Gaga and on the contrary, it helped her become stronger. The song Till it happens to you was written by the female singer at that time to dedicate to those who were also victims of sexual abuse. In 2016, Lady Gaga brought this meaningful song to the Oscar stage and brought tears to millions of viewers around the world.

It was not until 2007 that Lady Gaga had the opportunity to work with major producers who discovered her natural musical talent. Success came to the talented singer after her debut album The Fame was released in 2008 and the following two singles, Just dance and Poker face.

The initial success created the premise for the “Lady Gaga empire” to be born and develop more strongly, she became the one who established new values ​​for the art of music. With the album The Fame, Lady Gaga became one of the most famous pop stars of the 21st century.

Over the course of 10 years, she released a total of 6 albums, dozens of singles and all of her music products were enthusiastically received by the public. Lady Gaga’s career was even brighter with 6 prestigious Grammy awards and she was voted one of the most influential figures in the history of American music.

Because of her unique personality and music, Lady Gaga is loved by many people but also receives a lot of criticism. However, no one can deny the contributions of contemporary significance in all the musical products that Lady Gaga contributes to the art world. Social topics such as religion, gender, oppression… are always thoroughly exploited in Lady Gaga’s musical products. And more importantly, the difference of the “monster woman” lies in the way of expression, thanks to which the message she wants to convey is highlighted.

After many years of working tirelessly with impressive performances, Lady Gaga was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which seriously affected her career. The incurable disease caused her pain and depression for many years. The singer was forced to continuously inject painkillers during her performances. However, in early 2018, she had to cancel her entire tour to focus on treatment because she could not bear it any longer.

In recent years, people have seen Lady Gaga become more gentle and tender, from her appearance to her music. No longer is the image of the singer dressing differently and rebelling on stage, which is often considered a “view-baiting” trick, but now there is a Lady Gaga who is deep and gentle in every song of Joanne or Million Reasons. Regardless of the genre of music, Lady Gaga still successfully captivates fans and anyone can find themselves in the songs of the queen of eccentricity.